Duke Energy To Propose 100% Renewable Options
Duke’s Green Source Advantage Program
The North Carolina General Assembly implemented Duke Energy’s Green Source Advantage program (GSA) that provides customers with renewable energy options to help increase renewable energy development in the state. Customers who take advantage of the GSA include major military installations, University of North Carolina institutions, and large business customers.
100% Renewable
The newest proposal expands the GSA by allowing customers to use 100% renewable energy that pairs with energy storage units. Not only will these customers use renewable energy 24/7, but they will also receive access to up to 4,000 megawatts of power capacity. Using renewable energy projects connected to Duke Energy’s grid would offset customers’ power purchases, and count the renewable energy generated towards their sustainability goals.
GSA Proposal Changes
Renewable energy use increased from 30% to 100%
Purchases are made with Duke Energy or independent developers
Energy storage can combine with projects to align energy production with energy load
A new 10-year avoided cost bill credit option is introduced with the existing 5-year and 2-year options
Clean Energy Impact
Along with the GSA program expansion, Duke proposes another renewable program called the Clean Energy Impact. This program targets customers who aim to claim a certain percentage of renewable energy to meet sustainability goals. Renters and residential customers benefit from this program since contracts are on a month to month basis.