Duke Energy to Increase Rates Due to High Fuel Costs

Duke Energy to Increase Rates Due to High Fuel Costs

What’s With The Increase?

Duke Energy customers across western and central North Carolina should be prepared for their rates to increase. With high fuel costs and new renewable energy incentives being introduced, more customers are taking advantage of financial perks that come with using an electric vehicle.

When Does This Increase Kick Into Effect?

On September 1st, 2022 , Duke Energy customers’ rates will be increased by 9.5%. Some of the cities where this rate increase will take place are Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and Durham. Assuming the average Duke Energy customer utilizes 1,000 kilowatt hours a month, this kind of customer would see an additional $10.10 added on to their utility bill.

Which Areas Aren’t Affected (Yet)?

North Carolina residents living in Raleigh, Asheville, and eastern North Carolina aren’t affected by this rate increase. These areas utilize Duke’s other utility company, Duke Energy Progress. Duke Energy Progress may have their rate increased to 9.8% on Dec 1st, 2022 if the utilities commission decides to implement an increase.  

In Conclusion

Increased gas prices have encouraged people to explore more renewable energy alternatives in their lives. With this increase in renewable energy use, utility companies like Duke need to increase their rates so they can prepare for customers to transition to utilizing renewable energy. Installing a PV solar system for your home or business could be a great way to start. If a customer already has a PV solar system, they can add components like EV chargers and power storage units to maximize their sustainable energy.

Solar Tax Credit Raised To 30% Until 2033

Solar Tax Credit Raised To 30% Until 2033

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

As solar loans and costs for system components are expected to increase, The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 states that the tax credit for solar systems will begin at 30% until 2033. This bill will allocate $370 billion towards renewable energy and climate measures.

What This Means For Solar Energy

In regards to the solar industry, the federal tax credit for customers installing a PV solar system to their home or business will now be 30% as opposed to the previous percentage being 26%. This 4% increase will allow for customers to receive more money back when they purchase a solar system using cash or a solar loan. The 30% tax credit will be applied to installs on both homes and businesses. Customers who installed a solar system from the beginning of  2022 will also receive a 30% tax credit on their installation. Energy storage units that were installed from the beginning of 2022 will be eligible for the 30% tax credit, even if those energy storage units aren’t paired with a PV solar system.

According to the government, this credit will allow for 7.5 million more solar installations for families since families are able to save more on energy than ever before. In fact, families who install PV solar systems on their home can expect to save $9,000 during the lifespan of their system, which equates to $300 a year. Besides only using solar systems, government data states families who utilize clean energy, practice energy efficiency, and use electric vehicles can expect yearly savings of over $1000.

Additional Incentives

Depending on the project, additional “adders” may be added to the tax credit to potentially increase the credit to up to 50%. Some of these adders include factors such as domestic product use, type of organization, and project location. 

Certain developers may be entitled to a “direct pay” provision. To qualify, a developer needs to have little to no tax liability. Developers may then be able to treat the credit as an overpayment of tax. In result, developers can receive a cash refund based on the overpayment. (Probably for commercial purposes)

In Conclusion

With the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 being passed, the solar industry will have a huge opportunity for demand. Not only will numbers of installations increase, but more jobs and carbon offset could be produced as well as solar energy is on its way to become more rewarding and affordable than ever before.






Mountain Xpress Covers Renu Energy Solutions’ Reuter Center Installation For UNCA

Mountain Xpress Covers Renu Energy Solutions’ Reuter Center Installation For UNCA

Daniel Walton of Mountain Xpress writes:

“UNC Asheville installed a roughly 27-kilowatt solar array on top of the Reuter Center. The 64 panels, installed by Charlotte-based Renu Energy Solutions, will double UNCA’s solar production and reduce the campus’s carbon emissions by about 30 tons per year.” (Walton, 2022)

To continue reading this article from Mountain Xpress, click the link here!

WLOS States Renu Energy Solutions’ Reuter Center Installation Doubled UNC Asheville’s Solar Production

WLOS States Renu Energy Solutions’ Reuter Center Installation Doubled UNC Asheville’s Solar Production

A new project has doubled UNC Asheville’s solar power production.

Renu Energy finished installing a 64-panel solar array in May to power the UNC Asheville Reuter Center, an educational facility on campus that is home of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The installation is estimated to provide 37,000 kWh for the university’s grid infrastructure and will offset roughly 30 tons of CO2 emissions per year for the campus and bring $920,000 in energy savings over the life of the system.

To continue reading this article from WLOS, click the link here!

How Solar Module Warranties Work

 Why Module Warranties Are Important

When deciding to install a PV solar system to your home or business, you’re making an investment for the future. PV solar systems are built to last since this kind of system will be responsible for every function in your home or business. While these systems are built to last, certain components like modules (panels) may need maintenance or a replacement. In this scenario, the first thing you should do is hire a solar service specialist to confirm the condition of your module. If the module needs to be replaced, the absolute first thing you should do is check your module provider’s warranty policy. One might respond to this situation by jumping the gun and purchasing another module when they could check their warranty and save thousands of dollars. 




Product, Performance, Labor 

Solar modules are produced by a variety of manufacturers. Some solar modules may be lead-free while other modules allow for monitoring power production. Along with functional features, different module manufacturers have different warranties. These three warranty types include product, performance, and labor warranties. Product warranties cover any defects that come with the module. Module defects include bubbles, bending, cracks, erosion, and any other damage that comes from using the system. Performance warranties cover any performance issues that modules may encounter. For these kinds of warranties, the manufacturers are saying that from the moment a module is purchased and installed, that module is guaranteed to perform at the same level for the duration of the warranty. Labor warranties cover the modules’ potential need to be serviced during the duration of the warranty. Typically, the standard warranty duration for solar modules is 25 years. Since module manufacturers are different, make sure to review your manufacturers’ warranties before making any decisions on solar module replacements or service.




In Conclusion 

PV solar systems and their components are built to last. That’s why solar module manufacturers are confident enough in their products to create multi-decade long warranties. Whether a customer is trying to be proactive about their systems future, or trying to decide if solar is right for them, customers can be assured that their modules will operate properly for years to come.