Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor List

Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor List

Renu Energy Solutions made the Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor List!

We are so proud to announce we have made the Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor’s list! Although the COVID-19 pandemic is the immediate crisis unfolding at the moment, mitigating climate change is also an urgent issue. Solar PV installation is one way to help reduce greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. Solar Power World has recognized the efforts of solar contractors across the United States in its 2020 Top Solar Contractors list, where local solar installer Renu Energy Solutions achieved a rank of 180 out of 407 companies. The Top Solar Contractors list is developed each year by Solar Power World to honor the work of solar installers big and small. Solar firms in the utility, commercial, and residential markets are ranked by the number of kilowatts installed in the previous year. Companies are grouped and listed by specific service (developers, electrical subcontractors, EPCs, installation subcontractors, rooftop installers), markets, and states. “The Solar Power World team is so pleased to highlight more than 400 companies on the 2020 Top Solar Contractors list, especially during this unprecedented time,” said Kelsey Misbrener, senior editor of Solar Power World. “All contractors featured on the 2020 list reported strong 2019 installation numbers and are continuing to stand tall this year.”

The Solar Power World Top 500 and COVID-19

This year’s Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractors are facing obstacles that this industry has never seen before. The first quarter of 2020 was the country’s biggest ever, with 3.6 GW of new solar capacity added. But COVID-19 impacts showed their force in Q2, and Wood Mackenzie is forecasting residential and non-residential markets will see 25% and 38% decreases in year-over-year installation volumes this year. Renu Energy Solutions has been able to successfully continue operating by taking many steps to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers during this time. Through introducing virtual and over the phone consultations, encouraging sanitary precautions at install sites, and enforcing social distancing measures in office and warehouse environments, Renu has maintained complete efficiency during this time. In addition to persevering through this turbulent time in history, the 2020 class of Top Solar Contractors is continuing to innovate by adding energy storage to their offerings. Over one-third of this year’s contractors are also featured on the exclusive 2020 Top Solar + Storage Installers list. Renu Energy Solutions was included in this list as well, being ranked 40 out of 137 companies.    Renu Energy Solutions employs around 60 workers who installed 4491 Kilowatts of solar power in 2019. Since its founding in 2010, the company has installed 17,609 Kilowatts of solar. The company takes great pride in being able to offer effective energy solutions to homeowners, business owners, and nonprofits all across the country.

About Solar Power World 

Solar Power World is the leading online and print resource for news and information regarding solar installation, development, and technology. Since 2011, SPW has helped U.S. solar contractors — including installers, developers, and EPCs in all markets — grow their businesses and do their jobs better.

About Renu Energy Solutions

As our tagline states, we believe in Smart. Reliable. Solar.


Customer education is a central pillar of Renu Energy’s approach. Homeowners and businesses are seeing the clear economic and environmental advantages of clean solar energy. Our experienced consultants are here to help guide you through renewable energy improvements that are both wise for the planet and prudent for your financial future.


Since 2010, Renu Energy Solutions has provided quality renewable energy system installations for commercial and residential systems. Solar technology works. The sun’s energy is plentiful. The Renu Energy team is ready to demonstrate to you that we can deliver a durable, powerful solar solution guaranteed to meet or exceed energy projections for five years.


We envision a future where most buildings incorporate clean energy. Because solar panels have come down in price significantly over several years, it’s within reach of many customers and has become popular across the country. Whatever your reason for considering solar, let Renu Energy be your committed partner for devising and building your ideal solar solution. Contact us today for a free solar consultation!
Benefits of a Solar Battery Backup System

Benefits of a Solar Battery Backup System


How a Solar Battery Backup System Provides Power When the Grid Can’t

We’ve all been in a situation where we lost power, whether it be due to storms, overexertion, or blown generators. Thankfully, with a solar battery backup system, you don’t have to rely on the grid to supply your home with electricity, saving you from spending time in dark, hot houses during a blackout. 

Most homeowners and businesses install solar panels in an effort to reduce energy costs and commit themselves to their environments by using clean, renewable energy sources, but did you know that with a solar battery backup system you can also declare energy independence? 

How Does a Solar Battery Backup System Work?

Before you can fully understand the advantages of having a solar system with your own battery backup, you should first know how they work.

Solar batteries store extra energy that your solar panels absorb and save it for later. This comes in handy when your home is capable of producing more electricity than it needs to power itself on a regular basis, sometimes literally “saving it for a rainy day.” 

Having a backup battery means that you can operate even when it’s cloudy, it’s nighttime, or the grid has been shut down for whatever reason. You’ll never have to go without power or rely on any other energy source to provide it for you, which is why many solar customers opt for this type of system.

Grid-Tied Solar During a Heat Wave

As a record-breaking heat wave currently ravages the western United States, California utility companies have issued the first rolling blackout since 2001, rendering thousands of customers without electricity for periods of time in an effort to relieve the grid. 

In times of extreme duress on the grid due to everyone’s a/c units working overtime, utility companies will purposefully shut parts of it down to alleviate some of the pressure. This is done in an effort to prevent the grid from fully blacking out on its own due to too many people pushing their system’s limits; it’s a way to exercise some control over a blackout by staying ahead of it. 

Unfortunately, enduring these extreme temperatures once your power is cut off is no easy feat — Santa Cruz, which normally has a pretty moderate climate, clocked in at 107 degrees fahrenheit, while Death Valley, known for its heat, was recorded at 130, one of the highest temperatures ever recorded.

With a solar battery backup system, you don’t have to lose your power just because the grid shuts off, which is one of the benefits of producing your own electricity. In this kind of heat, it’s dangerous for elderly people, children, those who are unable to regulate their own body temperatures, and those who are overweight to go without some kind of cooling method. Losing access to your air conditioning could be life-threatening for some; solar-powered homes could save lives. 

What About Other Blackouts?

A battery backup doesn’t just come in handy during rolling blackouts, they’re also useful during blackouts caused by storms, strong winds, and other kinds of damage to transmission lines. How often have you experienced a power outage and lost whatever you were working on on your computer? All the groceries you just bought when bad because your refrigerator stopped working? You had a piece of electronic equipment malfunction? All of these things are common occurrences when electricity suddenly cuts off.  

The Carolinas are no stranger to storms — the official hurricane season rangers from June to November, with the peak being August through October. Having a solar battery backup system is especially handy this time of year when storms are so frequent and their effects, including blackouts, are being felt so often. 

Other Benefits of a Battery Backup System: 

If you’re not fully convinced, here’s a few more reasons a solar battery backup system can benefit you and your home:

  1. Energy storage = energy security

With your own energy storage comes energy security. No matter what’s happening with the grid, you can rest assured that your home will continue to power itself. The food in your fridge will never go bad again! 

  1. No noise

Unlike backup generators that can be loud and distracting, backup batteries are a silent option. You won’t even know it’s there. For those with neighbors close by, sleeping toddlers, or those just looking for some peace and quiet, these are the way to go!

  1. Reduced utility bills

Who doesn’t want to save money? Producing your own electricity will cut back on costs and fees associated with utility companies. For example, in North Carolina, solar customers save an average of $999.03 per year, or over $80 per month! Think of all of the other things you could spend that money on instead of having to shell it out to an electric company over and over. 

  1. If tied to your solar system, a battery backup is eligible for a tax credit  As of 2022, the Federal ITC offers a 26% tax credit on solar systems, giving you an opportunity to save even more money! This credit applies to all of Renu’s materials and installation costs — including battery storage systems like the Generac PWRcell and Tesla Powerwall

How Renu Energy Solutions Can Help

Going solar is a great decision for most homeowners and businesses, and including a solar battery backup system is a smart addition for the project. Renu Energy Solutions specializes in solar and battery backup installations — we’ve completed over 4,100 since our founding in 2010. 

If you’re a customer considering residential solar in North Carolina or South Carolina, look no further! Our experts at Renu can help you through each step of the process, from inquiring about which system would be best for your home, actually installing the system and panels, and any maintenance and troubleshooting long after the installation. 
For more information, give us a call or book a free solar consultation to get started! We look forward to hearing from you and doing our part to help you convert to clean, renewable energy.

Renu Ranks on the Inc. 5000

Renu Ranks on the Inc. 5000

Renu Energy Solutions Ranks No. 1,834 on the 2020 Inc 5000!

Inc. magazine revealed that Renu Energy Solutions is No. 1,834 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. Intuit, Zappos, Under Armor, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.

“It has been a journey getting to where Renu is today! I feel privileged and honored to work with such a dedicated and passionate team that drives our continued successes- I’m thrilled that Renu is recognized on the Inc5000 and has debuted in the top 30% of applicants!” says Renu Energy Solutions President, Jay Radcliffe.

What Does it Mean to Make the List?

Not only have the companies on the 2020 Inc. 5000 been extremely competitive within their markets, but the list as a whole shows staggering growth compared with prior lists as well. The 2020 Inc. 5000 achieved an incredible three-year average growth of over 500 percent, and a median rate of 165 percent. The Inc. 5000’s aggregate revenue was $209 billion in 2019, accounting for over 1 million jobs over the past three years.

“The companies on this year’s Inc. 5000 come from nearly every realm of business,” says Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk. “From health and software to media and hospitality, the 2020 list proves that no matter the sector, incredible growth is based on the foundations of tenacity and opportunism.”
The annual Inc. 5000 event honoring the companies on the list will be held virtually from October 23 to 27, 2020. As always, speakers will include some of the greatest innovators and business leaders of our generation.


More about Inc. Media and the Inc 5000 Methodology

The world’s most trusted business-media brand, Inc. offers entrepreneurs the knowledge, tools, connections, and community to build great companies. Its award-winning multiplatform content reaches more than 50 million people each month across a variety of channels including websites, newsletters, social media, podcasts, and print. Its prestigious Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to recognize the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The global recognition that comes with inclusion in the 5000  gives the founders of the best businesses an opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and the credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent.
The 2020 Inc. 5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2016 and 2019. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2016. They had to be U.S.-based, privately held, for profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2019. (Since then, a number of companies on the list have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2016 is $100,000; the minimum for 2019 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Companies on the Inc. 500 are featured in Inc.’s September issue. They represent the top tier of the Inc 5000. 


Complete results of the Inc 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found on Inc.’s official website.


 Are You Ready to Go Solar?

Renu Energy Solutions is constantly growing and completing new solar projects. If you’d like to be our next solar success story, or even if you’re just thinking of converting to solar energy, contact us today for your free consultation. We’d love to help you through every step of your solar journey!


How to Prepare for Hurricane Season with Solar

How to Prepare for Hurricane Season with Solar

Protect Your Solar-Powered Home Against Hurricane Season

Solar panels, just like any outdoor equipment, are exposed to all types of inclement weather, especially in the Carolinas where we usually experience a pretty busy hurricane season. If you are considering going solar but are unsure about weather conditions, you can be assured that solar panels are resilient and reliable. 

With solar when there is a power surge or blackout, your solar system will shut down. However, when you pair your system with energy storage (Tesla Powerwall or Generac PWRcell) your panels will continue to function normally and provide you with the power you need.

It is also good to mention that your panels are designed to withstand storms, even during a hurricane season. There is never a reason to prepare your panels for storms or even remove them. Following a storm, be sure to use caution and inspect your panels from the ground. It is helpful if you take photos of your panels just as you would for other investments in case you need to contact your insurance company if you do experience any damage. 

How to Prepare for a Blackout with a Solar Energy System

Most home-owners with solar have a “grid-tied” solar system. With a grid-tied system, any excess energy that isn’t used is then sent back to the grid. During a blackout, the grid is shut off which leaves you in the dark. To prevent this from happening and ensuring you and your family can keep the lights on, we recommend pairing your panels with energy storage. Please feel free to check out our blogs on the Tesla Powerwall and the Generac PWRcell.

We at Renu can assure you that going solar with energy storage is the best method in prevailing through storms and blackouts. Take charge of your energy and never be left in the dark again. 

Contact us today for your free consultation and prepare for the storms ahead:

About Renu Energy Solutions

As our tagline states, we believe in Smart. Reliable. Solar.


Customer education is a central pillar of Renu Energy’s approach. Homeowners and businesses are seeing the clear economic and environmental advantages of clean solar energy. Our experienced consultants are here to help guide you through renewable energy improvements that are both wise for the planet and prudent for your financial future.


Since 2010, Renu Energy Solutions has provided quality renewable energy system installations for commercial and residential systems.

Solar technology works. The sun’s energy is plentiful. The Renu Energy team is ready to demonstrate to you that we can deliver a durable, powerful solar solution guaranteed to meet or exceed energy projections for five years.


We envision a future where most buildings incorporate clean energy. Because solar panels have come down in price significantly over several years, it’s within reach of many customers and has become popular across the country.

Whatever your reason for considering solar, let Renu Energy be your committed partner for devising and building your ideal solar solution.