Brewed with the sun: Wise Man goes solar
Wise Move: Wise Man Brewing goes solar
Winston-Salem, NC – APRIL, 18, 2018 – Winston-Salem’s Wise Man Brewing is pleased to announce they have completed a 34-kiloWatt solar energy installation on their building’s roof, located at 826 Angelo Brothers Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. On Earth Day, Sunday, April 22, 2018, the brewery will host an event celebrating clean energy and marking the brewery’s recent sustainability strides.
Wise Man’s owners have taken steps to make the most of their solar, including thicker insulation, LED lights, and high-efficiency water taps for brewing. With these energy-saving improvements, they expect to see the electric usage decline even while beer production increases.
Wise Man Brewing Co-Founder Jason Morehead describes their solar plan this way: “We have always had a focus on sustainability, but getting a brewery off the ground is a monumental task. Now that we’re up and running, we’ve been able to take a step back and focus more on our footprint. Being an environmentally friendly brewery is central to being a good neighbor and responsible business.”
Spencer Warmuth, a Wise Man “Beer Scholar” who helped spearhead the solar effort, adds, “Our taproom customers know that community is core to Wise Man’s culture, and our move to use solar highlights this commitment. We’re looking forward to serving up beers that are among North Carolina’s first brewed with sunshine.”
Representing the building’s owner, Drew Gerstmeyer says, “Wise Man has been a vibrant addition to the growing community of excellent businesses in Winston’s entertainment district. We were happy to do our part by lending the building’s roof to help with Wise Man’s conversion to solar power.”
Wise Man Brewing is displaying the benefits of affordable, reliable solar energy for its bottomline by reducing electric utility bill costs, for averting the need for costly new power plants, and for a sustainable world. The brewery recently celebrated its first anniversary.
Renu Energy Solutions, the solar installer on the project, has provided solar energy systems for home and business since 2010 and is proud to partner with Wise Man Brewing as they join the renewable energy revolution and celebrate Earth Day 2018.