Solar in Gibsonville, NC
Solar in Gibsonville, NC
If you’re thinking of going solar in Gibsonville, learn more about how residents and businesses have great options for offsetting some energy that they currently get from the grid with solar energy.
Going solar in Gibsonville is affordable and easy.
Traditional utilities rely on continually changing energy markets. Sadly, that cost is passed down to you as unpredictable electrical bills. With solar power and your very own solar panels, you can enjoy energy autonomy.
Simply contact us to arrange your free solar energy consultation! Our expert energy consultants are here to guide you through the entire process from start to finish in your solar panel installation with fantastic customer service! We will create a custom plan that fits your solar needs and will cater to your schedule by having the consultation in-home or over the phone at your earliest convenience.
Stay connected to the grid and magnify your solar savings
Area electric utilities provide programs in which customers can enroll to continue using grid energy if the customer needs it – at night for example, when solar power diminishes, while during the day solar can supply most of the energy needed if the solar installation is sized appropriately.
Current federal tax incentives and other beneficial measures help make now a perfect time to purchase guaranteed, reliable solar energy affordably and with decades of a bright energy future in mind.
We provide solar panel installations on the roof of the building and alternatively on the ground where the roof is unsuitable or there is a preference for installing directly on the land surface.
Make The Switch To Home Solar Today
Switching to solar energy is now more affordable and more accessible than ever! Renu Energy Solutions offers $0 down financing in available Solar PV Systems.
How many opportunities for Solar does Gibsonville have…
Based on Google Project Sunroof, 79% of roofs in the Gibsonville area are great candidates for a solar installation. With a capacity of producing up to 1,082 kWh/kW per year.
Project Sunroof’s model makes the following assumptions
- Each panel is assumed to be 250W with an efficiency of 15.3%, a DC to AC derate factor of 85%, and industry-standard assumptions about other factors.
- Panels are assumed to be mounted flush with the roof, including on flat surfaces.
- Arrays are between 2kW and 1000 kW.
- Only arrays on buildings are considered, not other spaces such as parking lots or fields.
- In cases where a building is not in a county, the maximum sun is determined by the max sun received in the city.
Frequently Asked Questions About Solar for Your Home:
How exactly does going solar and a solar system itself work?
How many solar panels do I need for my home?
Roof-size/available space: When we look at the size of your roof and the space available, we gather data that tell us the maximum number of solar panels your home or site can hold and we even consider shading. We use a software “Suneye” which takes a 360 picture of your roof and we use this photo to determine if your home is a good candidate for solar.
Energy Usage: When we determine energy usage we look at your past electrical bills from over the course of a year to make sure your system isn’t too big or too small.
Your Budget: We take your budget seriously and most importantly, we want you to be satisfied with our services. We take your feedback on how much you want to spend so that we can size your system appropriately.
What is solar net-metering?
Does Duke Energy offer net-metering?
Curious about the cost of a home solar system?
Ready to Own Your Own Energy?
Speak to Us Today!