Solar Panels on New Construction 

Awesome Solar CTA. Really Amazing…

Solar Panels on New Construction

Start thinking about putting solar panels on new construction projects, especially as a homeowner building your next home. You’ll be excited to learn that there is a compelling financial argument for incorporating solar, right off the bat.

One option is rolling the solar system price into your mortgage. By doing this, it can render the interest tax-deductible. As a solar homeowner in North Carolina or South Carolina, you can expect:

How Do I Get Started?

It’s never too early to enlist the help of solar panels on new construction projects! It’s also wise to bring it up with any contractor you’re considering working with. A solar-ready neighborhood concept is possible now: a developer can proceed by orienting all the homes on a street to face south in back, optimizing clean energy production potential.

If you’ve got your lot and have already progressed into the design process, it’s a good idea to get in touch with a solar energy installation provider like Renu Energy Solutions right away to arrange a preliminary site visit or consultation over your renderings, to gather the information needed for a proposed panel layout.

Then we would set install dates for the system wiring and for the panels. This goes more smoothly with more advance planning.

Solar Financials Explained

Keeping an eye on the financials is crucial in new home construction. Solar may seem like just one of many design details that you might nix later, in an effort to control your initial home price.

But not so fast! Remember, solar is actually very different because it’s an option that pays for itself. Within just a few years, your system will have have reduced your energy bills by an amount equal to the purchase price, in other words it has paid you back. Whether you roll solar into a mortgage on your new home or select financing through Renu Energy, it’s going to be one of the smartest choices you make for your build.

Benefits Beyond Dollars and Cents

Of course, offsetting some part of your energy bill with your own clean solar energy does more for your family than keep your money flow looking good. You may have other reasons:

  • The intangible benefits like relying less on the electric grid or the utility company
  • Contributing to the homegrown energy movement that’s thriving here in the Carolinas, and creating good clean energy jobs
  • Reducing your environmental footprint – your solar will come with software that lets you monitor the emissions you’ve reduced through solar

There’s no dollar amount to be assigned to all these things, but we think all energy customers deserve a chance to pursue them, most of all when you’re working on the home of your dreams.

And if the bottomline is the most important thing to your family, we are happy to show you how it will actually cost you more money not to choose solar for the many years you’ll be in your home.

20 KW Solar Installation in Fort Mill, South Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar for Your Home:

How exactly does going solar and a solar system itself work?
Solar energy begins with sunlight that hits the panels to produce energy that flows into your inverter, which converts the DC energy into Alternating Current (AC) electricity that can be used to power your home. This same energy is then consumed when powering your home’s light, appliances, gizmos, and gadgets. If you feel your home isn’t producing the energy that it needs, the utility will fill in the gaps. If you system produces more energy than needed, that energy will go to the grid and your utility will credit you for the unused power.
How many solar panels do I need for my home?
At Renu Energy Solutions we design our solar panel systems size based on three main factors.

Roof-size/available space: When we look at the size of your roof and the space available, we gather data that tell us the maximum number of solar panels your home or site can hold and we even consider shading. We use a software “Suneye” which takes a 360 picture of your roof and we use this photo to determine if your home is a good candidate for solar.

Energy Usage: When we determine energy usage we look at your past electrical bills from over the course of a year to make sure your system isn’t too big or too small.

Your Budget: We take your budget seriously and most importantly, we want you to be satisfied with our services. We take your feedback on how much you want to spend so that we can size your system appropriately.

What is solar net-metering?
Net-metering is a type of utility policy that controls how your system is connected to the grid and how you are credited for the solar energy you produce.
Does Duke Energy offer net-metering?
Yes! Both Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress territories in NC offer net-metering when your homes goes solar. If you are interested in net-metering, no worries. Our team will guide you through the process as certain utilities have a different application procedure.
Curious about the cost of a home solar system?
When our clients ask this question, we immediately tell Tham about the federal tax credit that comes with going solar. The Federal tax credit for going solar is 26% in 2020. For example, if the total cost of you system was $22,000, when you subtract 26% you are then left with a %16,280 solar system. There is not set price for a home going solar as there are many factors that contribute to the total cost. The price of a solar home can range from $10k to $100k based on the size of your roof, energy usage, aesthetic preferences, and of course, budget.

PV Solar System

Our PV Solar Systems are really, really great and they are priced perfectly and will immediately and fundamentally improve the quality of your life.

Energy Storage

Our PV Solar Systems are really, really great and they are priced perfectly and will immediately and fundamentally improve the quality of your life.

EV Chargers

Our PV Solar Systems are really, really great and they are priced perfectly and will immediately and fundamentally improve the quality of your life.